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Parker & Page

Our story begins a long time ago. So long that you probably wouldn't be interested in all the details. However, two friends who are more like sisters than most sisters are, found a way to complement each others talents. 

We, Leslie and Gay  (Parker and Page, respectively) were both born and raised in Orangevale CA, met in high school and struck up a casual friendship. Several years later, we met up again and became fast friends when spending time with the large family that would later become Gay's extended family when she married the eldest son. 

As bridesmaids for each other, 14 years apart, sewing and other crafty and creative talents surfaced and improved. Moving from state to state and city to city, we kept in touch occasionally until in 2011 we were finally at least in the same area code.

Spending time together again, we had another brainstorm! Why not fuse our talents and sell them! So darn it all, Parker & Page, or P~Squared as we call it, became... 

Yarn It All !! 

All of our handcrafted products are designed and crafted by our own four hands, with help from our staff.


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